donderdag 17 april 2014

Haunted Frat (2011)

Haunted Frat (2011)


During Spring Break, a fraternity built atop the burned ruins of an insane asylum is haunted by a sinister visitor… I found the movie "1313: Haunted Frat" to be not only refreshing--but downright hot!

1 opmerking:

  1. Thanks so much for Having Haunted Frat. I know that for those that are more interested in male nudity in film these may be a disappointment. (Andrew Christen Commercials are way more sexy) There is a ridiculous quality to these films that probably disappoints many who are not familiar with Decoteau's but if you look at them as a 'goof' they are at least amusing if not high art cinema - please consider adding some of these "1313" Decoteau films next month if you can obtain them: Wicked Stepbrother; Actor slash Model; Boy Crazies - all released in 2011; and Billy the Kid, and Hercules Unbound! -released in 2012. I can't afford to buy these DVD's - and quite frankly they are not worth the high cost charged, but I would love to have them in my collection and I hope you don't mind the suggestions. While I love your WONDERFUL sexy blogs, you musty know I renew my subscription primarily for the non porn films. Thank you for all of your wonderful work. If I can be of any help to you please let me know. You have become a great friend or business associate to me for quite some time. I hope your efforts are richly rewarded. Best Regards.
